From developer to developer

From developer to developer


Transforming mobile machines

Bosch Rexroth Transforming mobile machines Sector Automotive Product owa5X, owa4X Reference case Bosch Rexroth and Owasys have been collaborating during the last months in order to integrate the requirements of Bosch Rexroth into Owasys latest LTE CAT4 global Linux Embedded Gateway. Now we are glad to announce that the project has been completed successfully and Bosch Rexroth […]

Transforming mobile machines

Bosch Rexroth and Owasys have been collaborating during the last months in order to integrate the requirements of Bosch Rexroth into Owasys latest LTE CAT4 global Linux Embedded Gateway. Now we are glad to announce that the project has been completed successfully and Bosch Rexroth starts delivering to customers worldwide. With BODAS Connect, Bosch Rexroth brings the Internet […]